Blofeld Editor Librarian

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Gear Pics

MIDI implementation and additional Documentation for Waldorf Synthesizers

  • Waldorf MIDI Implementations (Draft / January 2008)PDF 557k
    for Waldorf Q (OS 3.00)
    for Waldorf Q+ (OS3.50)
    for Waldorf microQ (OS2.20)
    for Waldorf rackAttack (OS 1.04)
  • Waldorf Q Voice architecture PDF 11k
  • Waldorf Q FX signal routing PDF 8k
  • Waldorf Binary Modifiers PDF 993k

For further questions on Waldorf gear (not just the Q), please consult The Waldorf-User FAQ and ofcourse Waldorf Music.

  • Jan 31, 2018 Mystery Islands Music – 30 Jan 18 Waldorf bloX AudioUnit & VST Librarian Editor Plug-in Waldorf bloX is an AudioUnit and VST Editor / Librarian plug-in to control Waldorf Blofeld Desktop or Blofeld Keyboard hardware synthesizer right from your DAW. Waldorf bloX is capable of loading microQ and Q presets to your Blofeld Desktop.
  • BloX Editor by Mystery Islands Music (@KVRAudio Product Listing): bloX Editor & Librarian AU & VSTi plugin. Waldorf bloX AudioUnit & VST Librarian Editor Plug-in, for Waldorf Blofeld Desktop & Blofeld Keyboard series. Faster control and automation access than ever, bloX takes your Waldorf Blofeld into a whole new level in the game. Control the same way you use your VSTi and AudioUnit plug-ins.
  • Midi Quest Waldorf Blofeld Editor and Librarian for Macintosh and Windows Sound Quest's Midi Quest multi-instrument editor/librarian gives you the tools to get the most from your Waldorf Blofeld.

Re: We need a great Pro 2 editor & librarian « Reply #36 on: April 08, 2016, 11:38:32 PM » Well it is not that I meant DSI should give you lots of money, but some merchandise of some sort, like stickers, or t-shirts or that kindof stuff.

(The Waldorf AG filed for bankruptcy in early 2004, taking the oldWaldorf GmbH with them. The remains of Waldorf have been bought in early 2006and reincarnated as Waldorf Music GmbH.)

Other Obituaries

Hartmann Music maker of the Neuron synthesizer, became insolvent atthe end of October 2005, and at last their website is gone since theyapparently had their domain squatted... several attempts to revive thecompany or at least to provide OS updates for the Neuron seem to havefizzled.

Memory Cards (QCard) for the Waldorf Q and Q+


I used to offer compatible memory cards for the Waldorf Q and Q+. Waldorfhas informed me that they are offering original QCards again, therefore I will notre-stock as long as Waldorf is offering QCards themselves.

Factory and User Soundsets and Singles for Waldorf Blofeld, Q, Q+, microQ and rackAttack

Blofeld editor librarian interviewBlofeld Editor Librarian

Most soundsets you can find on the net will simply overwrite the memory,which is more often than not just the thing you don't want. The packages belowcontain, among other things, »Singles«, that is a MIDI file foreach sound so that it loads only into edit buffers, which means you can browsethe sets for sounds you like or decide whether you really want it to overwriteyour memory without resorting to librarians like SoundDiver. More info is inthe Singles_Readme, some packagescontain additional documentation.

  • Waldorf Blofeld
    • Factory Soundset ZIP 537KiB
      bankdumps in the extra folder with slowed down transmission(fast, medium, slow)
    • microQ 2001 Factory Soundset ZIP 92KiB (extra bankdump overwrites A001…A100, B001…B100, C001…C099, )
      automatic conversion from the microQ 2001 factory soundset
    • DocT Soundset ZIP 90KiB (extra bankdump overwrites A001…C084)
      automatic conversion from the three DocT microQ soundsets (with permission of StefanTrippler)
    • Flakscrambler Soundset ZIP 139KiB (extra bankdump overwrites D001…H007)
      automatic conversion from the FlakScrambler microQ soundset
    • ForumOneTwoThree UserSoundset ZIP 269KiB (extra bankdump overwrites A001…H001)
      automatic conversion from the ForumOne, ForumTwo and ForumThree microQ usersoundsets
    • BlofeldSamplesPlus has been superseded by BlofeldSamplesExtra
    • BlofeldSamplesExtra ZIP 7.4MiBReadme
      Extra samples for the Blofeld
      • VP-Strings (string samples from the VP330, multisample)
      • Several Sounds and Multi-Samples from the PPG sample library
        • T040 E-Bass
        • T400 Cathedral Choir
        • M090 Violin
        • M485 Trombone
        • M600 Grand Piano
        • M800 Marimba
        • M850 Fender Rhodes
        • M900 Hammond B3
      Kudos to Norman Fay for sampling the VP330 and to Mark Pulverfor putting them up on the web. Hermann Seib has helped me many times tounderstand the PPG disk format and some finer points of the implementation oftransient sounds in the PPG Wave, which ultimately enabled the extraction ofthe PPG sound library directly from the original disk images with the correctlooping parameters. Last but not least thanks to Stefan Stenzel from WaldorfMusic for implementing the sample oscillators in the Blofeld and providing theSPECTRE tool to make user samples.
    • Blofeld User Wavetables ZIP 287kiB
      • Wavetable 80: synthetic saw—tri—reverse saw wavetable, spectrally enhanced
      • Wavetable 81–82: ROM waves of the Prophet VS
      • Wavetable 83–87: ROM waves of the microWave
      • Wavetable 88–95: ROM waves of the SQ80
      • Wavetable 96: Wavetrip 1 recreated as a user wavetable
      • Wavetable 97: Wavetrip 2 recreated as a user wavetable
  • Waldorf Q+
    • 2002 Factory Soundset ZIP 163KiB
    • Q+ Soundcorner Sounds ZIP 20KiB
      (with permission of Howard Scarr, who programmed these sounds for the Waldorf Soundcorner)
  • Waldorf Q
    • 1998 Factory Soundset ZIP 114KiB
    • 1999 Factory Soundset ZIP 122KiB
    • 2000 Factory Soundset ZIP 166KiB
    • 2001 Factory Soundset ZIP 198KiB
    • ForumOne User Soundset ZIP 144KiB
    • ForumTwo User Soundset ZIP 179KiB
    • ForumThree User Soundset ZIP 243KiB
    • FlakScrambler Soundset ZIP 203KiB
  • Waldorf microQ
    • 2001 Factory Soundset ZIP 116KiB
    • ForumOne User Soundset ZIP 103KiB
    • ForumTwo User Soundset ZIP 132KiB
    • ForumThree User Soundset ZIP 159KiB
    • FlakScrambler Soundset ZIP 142KiB
  • Waldorf rackAttack
    • 2002 Factory Soundset ZIP 98KiB
    • 2003 NewKits ZIP 20KiB
  • Waldorf microWave-II / microWave-XT
    • Overview sheet of all ROM Waves on 4 pages PDF 313KiB (adapted from Allwaves)
    • Combined user waves for the XT Usersoundset 3and the VS-Waves,complete with overview sheet on 4 pages ZIP 238KiBReadme

If you are releasing a soundset for the Waldorf Blofeld, Q, microQ andrackAttack and want to include singles, I'd be glad to create them for you orassist you in creating your own. I can also do automatic conversions fromWaldorf microQ to Blofeld and (with some scaling differences) from WaldorfQ+/Q to Blofeld.

Wavetables for the Terratec KOMPLEXER

The Terratec KOMPLEXER can load new data into the twowavetable oscillators. Please read some info about the wavetableimplementation of the KOMPLEXER. To make this useful, get some KOMPLEXERWavetables ZIP 342KiB containing these waves:

kWT1, kWT2
The original wavetables for the WT1 and WT2 oscillator in the KOMPLEXER. Useful if you've played around with alternative wavetables and want to switch back.
zAlt1, kAlt1, kAlt2
These wavetables match the Alt1 and Alt2 oscillator of the microQ. Just like the microQ the first slot is silent in zAlt1 and can be used for amplitude modulation via the wavetable modulation, whereas in kAlt1 this slot contains a sounding wave.
kSaw, kSquare
These are completely synthetic wavetables based on the Fourier series for the saw wave and square wave. For these, the spectral amplitude falls off with the inverse of the harmonic number (6dB/octave) and the square has only odd harmonics present. These exact inverse relationship is achieved for the wave at position 64, while towards position zero the higher harmonics are stronger and towards position 128 the higher harmonics are weaker. This was done by using the wave position as an exponent to the inverse series so that the exponent starts out at a value smaller than 1, then becomes exactly 1 at position 64 and then get greater than one. The net result is a spectral modulation through the wavetable that can not be obtained by simple filtering.
kSawWM, kSawWMq
Another series of synthetic waveforms, this time modulating from saw through triangle to inverse saw wave. The triangle wave has a spectrum that falls off with the square of the inverse of the harmonic number (12dB/oct) and therefore might appear to be too quiet during modulation. The wavetable kSawWMq has a spectral enhacement to correct the perceived loudness through the modulation, again done by a suitable exponentiation of the resulting spectral amplitudes.
kROM0, kROM1, kROM2, kROM3, kROM4, kROM5, kROM6, kROM7, kROM8, kROM9
These are conversions of the 300 ROM waves from the Waldorf microWave.
kVS1, kVS2, kVS3
These are conversions of the ROM waves from the Sequential Prophet VS.
kUpper, kPPGE, kSita1, kSita2, kFair1, kFair2, kFair3, kFair4
These are conversions from the Waldorf WAVE, which are themselves conversions from the PPG UpperWavetable, the PPG T040 E-Bass and a Fourier analysis of a Sitar and two Fairlight samples done on the Waldorf WAVE by Till Kopper.
kSQ0, kSQ1, kSQ2, kSQ3, kSQ4, kSQ5, kSQ6, kSQ7, kSQ8, kSQ9, kSQA, kSQB, kSQC, kSQD, kSQE, kSQF
These are conversions of the ROM waves from the Ensoniq SQ80 (the first of the four SQ80 wave ROM chips has identical content to the two wave ROM chips in the ESQ-1 as you can find out while visiting the Ensoniq Heaven).

Pictures of some wavetable spectra have been moved to to another page.

mQEdit Graphical Editor for microQ

mQEdit is graphical editor for the microQ written in Java. The website itwas formerly available on has vanished, but the author Martin B. has kindlygiven permission to host it here instead.

  • mQEdit version 1.15 JAR 484KiBReadme

SoundDiver Adaptations

The adaptations need to be unpacked into the Diver folder. If you are onMac, please proceed to unpack the BinHex files (with the .hqx extension) withStuffIt Expander or any other program that understands this format. This takescare of correctly setting the type to EM7F and the creator EMA6 so that theadaptation can be recognized by SoundDiver. This obviates the need to provideseparate archives for the Mac. If you are using the 3.1beta2 version underOSX, the adaptation has to be copied into~/Library/Application Support/Emagic/SoundDiver Adaptions/ to be found bySD.

Please note that the SD3.1beta2 version has a few of bugs that maynecessitate slight modifications to the adaptations before they will work onOSX. This includes the checksum (which is not sent at all and needs to bereplaced with 7Fh) and the bank driver Entry Increment (which may wrongly beread as 256 instead of 1).

Waldorf Q, Q+, microQ, rackAttack and Blofeld

The Emagic SoundDiver adaptations for Q and microQended up in my hands for maintenance after the original authors and/ormaintainers stopped working on them. The adaptation for rackAttack ismy work entirely. The Blofeld adaptation was started by me and wasdebugged and completed with gratefully acknowledged help from WolframFranke (Waldorf Music GmbH). They are provided as is, but I will ofcourse try to fix any bugs they still might have. It is also plannedto add a help file to each as time permits.

  • Waldorf Q (V3.00R3) ZIP 221KiBReadme
  • Waldorf Q+ (V3.54R2) ZIP 150KiBReadme
  • Waldorf microQ (V2.22R2) ZIP 252KiBReadme
  • Waldorf rackAttack (V1.04R1) ZIP 113KiBReadme
  • Waldorf Blofeld (V1.15B11) ZIP 140KiBReadme

Using the AutoLink Feature of Logic with the Q Adaptation

I think I have provided the necessary definitions to make Autolink withLogic work with this adaptation both in single- and multimode. However, since Idon't have Logic, I have no way to test this - if you use Logic with SD, pleaselet me know if this works. Meanwhile, Thomas Jaensch has provided a LogicEnvironment and an explanation of how to make use of the AutoLink feature inLogic ZIP 21KiBin conjunction with the Q adaptation. This should also work with no or minoredits with the microQ and Q+ adaptations.

Blofeld Editor Librarian Book

KORG EX-800 and Poly-800MkII

When I aquired the EX-800 I wasn't pleased that there were no SDadaptation. After looking at the MIDI implementation I could understandwhy. Nevertheless I found a way to make an adaptation for the EX-800 work. Asluck would have it, literally just minutes before I was going to release it Ifound a MIDI documentation for the Poly-800MkII on the net. Four hours laterthat adaptation was also finished. Enjoy!

  • KORG EX-800 / Poly-800MkII (V0.9) ZIP 160KiBReadme

Links to the latest SoundDiver manuals and updates

Apple has removed all links to SoundDiver from their website andlinks to the old Emagic site (again) don't work anymore and are bumpedover to Apple, where they lead to nowhere. With the help of the Wayback Machine Internet Archive I had collected thoselinks that still worked for some time until the server was takenoffline. Hang on to your copies of those files in case you need tore-install!

Emagic SoundDiver Manuals

  • User Manual Version 3.0(Français) Unfortunately both versions of the french user manual(SoundDiver_fr.pdf) that made it into the Wayback Machine Internet Archive were truncated. Some kindsoul has made his copy available and has asked me to host it here. Millefois merci, Gérald!

Emagic SoundDiver Updates

Apple has removed all DNS entries for the Emagic FTP server andalso switched the server itself off. As a result, there is nolegal way to get hold of the updates anymore. Please don't ask me forthose files: 1) I don't have most of them; 2) Those I have I am notallowed to re-distribute. Please complain to Apple Emagic support.

Final Update: After about a year of chasing ghosts I'vegot an authoritative eMail from an Apple employee (details withheldsince it was a private message) that it was a) a deliberate decisionto take down those pages, b) they would not re-instate any of them andc) that they thank me for my enthusiasm. I have received no furthercommunication on my repeated offer to host those files.

Location within Norfolk
Area9.41 km2 (3.63 sq mi)
Population3,316 (2011)[1]
• Density352/km2 (910/sq mi)
OS grid referenceTG333097
Civil parish
Shire county
Sovereign stateUnited Kingdom
Post townNORWICH
Postcode districtNR13
Dialling code01603
AmbulanceEast of England
List of places
52°38′06″N1°26′53″E / 52.635°N 1.448°ECoordinates: 52°38′06″N1°26′53″E / 52.635°N 1.448°E

Blofield is a village and civil parish in the Broadland district of Norfolk, England. The parish includes Blofield and the hamlets of Blofield Heath and Blofield Corner and, according to the 2001 census, had a population of 3,221, increasing to 3,316 at the 2011 Census. It is on the A47, five miles (8 km) east of Norwich and 14 miles (23 km) west of Great Yarmouth. Since construction of a bypass in 1982, the A47 no longer passes through the village.

Blofeld Editor Librarian Role


Mentioned in the Domesday Book as Blafelda and Blauuefelde, Blofield has a long history. There are a number of theories regarding the origins of its name, which may derive from the Anglo-Saxon for blue Blech or Bleo, blossom Bloo or blow Blowan, along with the word for field Feld. The oldest building in the village is the Parish Church of St Andrew and St Peter, built sometime between 1420 and 1444,[2] and largely replacing an earlier Norman structure. Large in size, it reflects the prosperity of the wool trade over this period.

Blofield today[edit]

Village amenities include the recently re-opened and refurbished Kings Head public house, Blofield County Primary School, a doctors surgery, a library, scout hut, newsagent, post office/convenience store, fish and chip shop, florist, hairdresser, an outdoor leisure and camping store, a farm shop and a solicitor's office. Sporting and social facilities are also provided by The Margaret Harker Hall and Blofield Court House constitute the meeting place for a number of village groups, such as the Women's Institute (which was formed in 1918, and claims to be the oldest in Norfolk), Guides, badminton club, slimming groups and playgroup for children of pre-school age. The Court House also hosts regular film shows showing recent releases usually on the first or second Friday of every month. During the day it is served by the hourly 15 bus to Norwich operated by First Norfolk & Suffolk; there is no service in the evenings or on Sundays. The nearest railway station is about a mile away, in the village of Brundall. Blofield Heath has one Indian restaurant, The Tamarind, and a post office/convenience store. Heathlands Community Centre is a focal point for social activities and the village also has a primary school, Hemblington County Primary. A pre-school playgroup also operates from Heathlands.


Blofield has two Non-League football clubs:

  • Norwich United F.C. who play at Plantation Park, just outside the village centre but within the parish
  • Blofield United F.C. who play in the Anglian Combination Premier Division, their home ground at the Margaret Harker Hall playing field in the centre of the village. .[3]

Notable people[edit]

  • Sir Arthur Borton - Governor of Malta 1878-1884 was born in Blofield in 1814.[4]
  • Darren Eadie - former football player who played for Norwich City and Leicester City.
  • John Edrich - England Test cricketer from 1963 to 1976, was born in Blofield in 1937.
  • Ken Brown - Norwich City manager from 1980 to 1987.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Civil Parish population 2011'. Neighbourhood Statistics. Office for National Statistics. Archived from the original on 11 October 2016. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  2. ^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 6 September 2007. Retrieved 22 September 2007.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  3. ^[1]Archived 2009-06-06 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^'Obituary.' Times [London, England] 8 Sept. 1893: 10. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 23 June 2013.

External links[edit]


Media related to Blofield at Wikimedia Commons

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